Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wine, furnaces and toilet

I haven't blogged in a while. My humble apologies to the throngs of people who check in with my blog, I think the crowd numbers about 4 now.

WELL! The problem in waiting is now I'll squish about 3 blogs of musings into one, and I hope it has some connection. Since I am currently NOT under the influence of any alchohol, I have a good shot at making sense, but ya I'm sort of bummed about being so clear headed.

FIRST: It's that same old story, you know the one... being on a plane from Beijing to Mongolia, striking up a conversation with the gentleman beside you who happens to be from New York, working for Microsoft and heading to the Gobi desert. I know, I know why can't I be more inventive. Sorry.

I typically don't like to chat while flying but perhaps I have a good sense for a fun goof-ball with a great sense of humour passenger sitting in the seat beside. John and I started chatting and while it would appear we'd have little in common we had an easy conversation for almost 3hours. I think he endeared himself by being apologetic for George Bush. By the end of the flight we had exchanged emails with the promise to exchange photos, his Gobi desert for my Altai Mt Range and I'll raise you... nah no poker playing here.

John and I have struck up a friendship and I'm all about meeting interesting and informed people. Now one of John's talents is as a burgeoning wine maker. He had talked about being schooled by an Italian friend and him and his 2 buddies were now going to quit their day jobs to make wine. However I think the title of their wine says it all The 3 Asinis - translated to the 3 donkeys. They decidced to keep their day jobs and beg their friends to drink their wine and tell them it was good. John was so desperate that he told me he had sent me some of his wine. To my surprise 8 weeks after that promise I received 4 bottles! Whether the wine is palatable or not (and I'm sure it is) I was really touched that John took the time to send someone he hardly knows his vino. Who cares about those passe bonds forged over blood, alchohol seals the deal like no other.

Well I was hoping to somehow magically weave into this blog that my furnace died on the weekend, leaving me an ice-cube in my own home. That I was saved by a super repairman who dropped everything to help me and didn't charge me any overtime charge. There is a special place in heaven for that guy. And how do I work into this blog that Bomber the wonder cat is improving his toilet flushing abilities? Not only has he volunteered to flush the toilet many times for me while I've still been ON the toilet, but he is working on a variation of flushing while sitting on the seat instead of his standard stand-on-his-hind-legs-grabbing-the-tank-with-his-front-paws-while-pushing-down-the-lever. The cat is a fucking genius, enough said.

Well I guess I'm not that smart to weave it all together. Perhaps I should grab for that glass of wine afterall, I have 4 bottles to drink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you now have a Bomber bidet, eh? I just have my percoset and too much free time on my hands so I, for one, am glad you are blogging again :). I think I understand your NY comment from earlier now too ;). Keep the blogs coming! - MG

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our squeezins' will delight all
John O
Tres Asini Winemakers
Pick me, Squeeze me, Make me wine!

4:59 PM  

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